So here is a new concept for some: spine care helps organs function better.
How does this work? Let me give you an analogy. The nerve system is like a computer. The spine is the keyboard. (90% of the information into the brain comes from the many joints, muscles, and nerve endings in the spine). The brain is the hard drive and processor in one. The organs are the monitor.
So it goes SPINE ---> BRAIN ---> ORGANS. We are input (sensory) driven!
Just like your computer, if the spine (keyboard) is broken then the brain (processor) just doesn't know what to do and the organs (monitor) will give you an "error message".
What is the "error message" from the organs? There are several things that can show up. High or uneven blood pressure, indigestion (even with a reasonable diet), muscle weakness, respiration, pulse rate, poor posture, glandular or cellular dysfunction, fatigue, or poor breathing.
Taking a drug (without investigating the CAUSE of the problem is like altering the processor without fixing the keyboard. Surgery is unplugging the monitor (permanently) so you don't have to see the error message. Neither approach deals with the underlying CAUSE of the problem.
What is the take home message? If you don't like what you see on the monitor (organs) - look at the input (spine) to the processor (brain). Get your spine checked! Find the long term solution to your health problems and have your quality of life as high as you deserve it to be.
PS- I know there are doctors out there who will disagree with this since it is not commonly taught anywhere but in chiropracitc schools. I invite them to contact me and I will happily put it in big technical language so they can feel spoken to from 1 physician to another.