So I can't figure this out. When did it become completely acceptable to ingest poison simply because we like it? I mean, crack addicts really like crack but we clearly don't want ANYONE ingesting it and yet we happily allow,even encourage people (especially children) to eat sugar.
Now, I know someone is going to say crack and sugar are not even close to the same. Indulge me for a second. Sugar has zero health benefits. It causes inflammation that leads to cancer, diabetes, and heart disease just to name a few problems. There is no real reason to eat sugar at all. In fact, as far as effect on health - sugar only kills slower than crack.
I don't know about many others but I personally know 2 (count them, two) people who have been addicted to crack. I know DOZENS IF NOT HUNDREDS of people with diabetes, heart disease, and cancer. Doctor's offices, medical centers, and hospitals are literally crowded with diabetics, heart disease and cancer patients, stroke victims, and morbidly obese patients. Sugar will damage far more people than crack ever will.
Let me be clear- I am not referring to naturally occuring sugar like in fruit and some veggies. I am talking about processed, refined, added sugar. Cakes, cookies, pies, candy bars, processed meats (high fructose corn syrup is one of the worst), and boxed "foods" are loaded with it.
Let's stop the insanity of loading up on sugar and then pretending it is a "treat". At Backbone, we refer to sugar by its correct name - poison. Let's be rid of it. We can recommend and even offer natural alternatives for chocolate, sweeteners, and foods that will build you up instead of tear you down. Healthy eating is a part of treating healthy people.