Saturday, March 13, 2010

High Glycemic vs. Low Glycemic Eating

Foods that are both healthy and delicious are an important part of life. What foods fit into the category of healthy and delicious? Whole foods. Lean meat, fruits, vegetables, beans (legumes), whole grains, and even some dairy. These are foods that build the body strong and healthy.

If you don't think they are delicious it may be that you are used to eating high glycemic foods. High glycemic foods cause a sharp spike in your blood glucose. This would be processed foods: sugar, flour, pasta, bread, potatoes, and rice (there are some exceptions).


High glycemic foods cause the body to release large amounts of insulin and set off a cascade of ill effects. Blood sugar comes crashing down leaving you hungry, fatigued, and even light headed.

Think about a child at a birthday party. They eat cake and ice cream and they seem to be bouncing off the walls. What happens in the car? They crash (sorry, but the pun is intended).

Most people think they are just tired from running around and having fun. The truth is that their blood sugar is crashed to hypoglycemic levels and they CAN'T stay awake for anything.

Eventually the body becomes resistant to the insulin and you develop Metabolic Syndrome (Syndrome X) or what is now called "pre-diabetes". Left uncorrected it will become full blown diabetes.

The good news is that this can be corrected. It takes making some lifestyle changes and time but what better reason is there for a lifestyle change? Stop, control, or even reverse diabetes. That means no diabetic neuropathy, less stroke, aneurism, and heart disease.

That is why Backbone offers the Healthy for Life program. Dr. Cohen and his team are Certified Team Leaders. For more information check out the Healthy for Life program and USANA Health Sciences or just stop in my office and schedule a consultation.