Thursday, March 18, 2010

Vitamins and Free Radicals

Free radicals are little scavengers that come by a cell and "steal" parts to make themselves whole while leaving the cell damaged. Free radicals are a part of oxidative stress. Oxidative stress can be thought of as "rust on the inside".

Vitamins and minerals protect the body and the cells by giving the free radicals the parts they need- effectively neutralizing them. For this reason vitamins (and their mineral co-factors) are more accurately called anit-oxidants.

The sad fact is that it is just about impossible to get enough vitamins and minerals from food. It has to do with the way food is farmed, processed, packaged, and stored. An apple today does not have the same nutrients as an apple 100 years ago.

What is the way to get the vital anti-oxidants? Supplements. I use and recommend USANA Health Sciences. Their quality is unsurpassed anywhere. They not only use the best ingredients, they also have the most complete and bioavailable (absorbable).

You can learn more at or scheduling a nutrition consultation with me.