Have you ever noticed that some people are always on a diet. They are either just finishing one, sufering through one, or just finishing one.
The problem is that diets are meant to be short term. But, eating is something we will do for the rest of our lives.
So ask yourself this- do you want to diet off and on with your weight going up and down like a yo-yo? Or would you rather learn how to eat to gain strength, vitality, and youth? The difference is the way we think about and perceive eating.
Instead of thinking about not getting to eat sugar and foods (I use that word lightly) that are like poison in our system- think about what you do get. You get to eat foods that taste good AND deliver strength and energy.
When the decision to eat better happens the changes become life-long because you are not on a diet. You simply eat better.
You will probably lose inches. But more importantly you will have a better quality of life with stregth, energy, and a youthful feel. That is worth it.