Do you know the most common presentation of an injured spine? It is called Forward Head Posture (FHP).
It is where the weight of the skull is in front of the balance points in the neck, back, or pelvis. It causes serious compromise to your health.
According to research from University of Southern California it causes gut problems, lung problems, pain sensitivity problems, and overall poor spine function.
Shealy Institute says posture regulates EVERY physical and mental function of the body including; pulse, blood pressure, breathing, and mood.
The thing people seem to have a hard time with is that FHP can cause little pain until it is really advanced.
Most patients presenting in my office have over an inch of FHP and some have had over 3 inches. That is severe and is obviously much more difficult to work with.
The secret to optimum health is to stay proactive. And remember, everything of value takes maintenance- your house, your car, and your body.