Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Flu Shot? No Thanks, I don't want the flu.

So it's that time of year when many patients come to me and ask, "Doc, should I get the flu shot?"
Since the laws regarding my license do not give me prescriptive authority (I cannot tell them yes or no by law).  I respond with, "Well, do you want the flu?".

Puzzled, they look at me.  So I explain, there are several questions that each person should be asking their MD before getting any vaccine. My list goes something like this:
  • What is in the shot besides the virus? Most have additives that I wouldn't touch, much less let someone inject into me.  Check out some of the ingredients here. Pay attention to Thimerosol (Mercury) which is know to cause brain (neural) damage and is linked to Autism.
  •  What is the risk to me if I don't get the vaccine? Are you an otherwise strong individual who is not likely to die from the flu? Uncomfortable for a few days? Yes.  Death, not so much.
  • Who should not get the vaccine? People with certain allergies, history of reactions to vaccines, people with a compromised immune system.
  • How effective is it really? Polio was already on the decline according to government statistics prior to the introduction of the vaccine by Jonas Saulk. 
  • What are the potential side effects?  This is a standard risk to benefit question that should be very straight forward and easy to answer.
  • Last is one of my favorites, "Doctor, have you had this vaccine?" Obviously, many won't even answer the question. That alone should be a huge red flag. 
What do you do if you are sitting nose-to-nose with your doctor and they are pressuring you into a vaccine you don't want? There are 2 different ways to deal with it.
  1.   If you don't mind some confrontation- these 4 words are the most powerful that can be spoken to any doctor: "I DO NOT CONSENT."  Bam! Procedures halt in the throws of it all.
  2. If you don't like confrontation- simply ask the question, "Doctor, are you willing to personally take full responsibility for any and all adverse reactions?" If the answer is no, well, you get the idea.
 So what are my options besides just accepting whatever happens to float on by? Well, try boosting you immune system so it can effectively fight off any virus. This can be done (and is done all the time) without so much as a hint of symptoms. How do we accomplish such a marvelous feat? Try any of my favorites. In fact, try them all. You can only get healthier because of them!
Want more specific help? I am here to serve your health needs. Simply call 253-858-2474 to schedule a time just for me and you. 

In health, 
Dr. Cohen