Sunday, November 21, 2010

Costco-Sized Bottles of Aspirin!?

You know what scares me? Those huge bottles of aspirin you find at Costco or Sam's Club. I mean 500 tablets per bottle. Those things have a shelf-life you know. They should expire before anyone could possibly go through them all.

But then, I know there are people out there who take 8 or more, at a time. Sometimes 3 times per day! The question I have is- why? Even taking 2 aspirins (or Tylenol, Excedrin, etc.) per day for a prolonged time (that being greater than 7-10 days according to most manufacturers) can have side effects. Not just bleeding stomach ulcers but some really nasty things like liver and kidney damage.

If you take ANY pain reliever as part of your daily routine you have a problem and should actively seek to fix it. Fixing the underlying problem is the smartest thing you can do.

Take muscle and joint pain- there are several causes. If your cause is found and corrected then the pain can go away on it's own. Try any of these: (Realize, too, you may have more than 1 problem).
  1. See a chiropractor/ME. (
  2. Drink enough water (see my blog post about water for all the info).
  3. Exercise 4-5 times per week. (start simple and build up).
  4. Take supplements - I prefer USANA Health Sciences (
  5. Get enough rest/sleep.
  6. Take MSM (it is a similar compund to glucosamine and chondroitin but more effective).
  7. Increase your fish oil (talk with me, a naturopath, or your doctor as too much can be not good).
  8. Take a "greens" supplement to improve your pH (reduce the acid in your system).
  9. Increase your salt intake (must be electrolyte balanced like RealSalt or Himalayan Pink- again, ask me if you need help or are not sure).
I get questioned sometimes about taking any kind of prescription or over-the-counter medication.
*Legal Disclaimer - I do not and can not prescribe ANY medication, even OTC.* 
Logic would dictate that if the problem is corrected then the symptom (pain) should resolve as well. If reaching for a bottle is your first reaction then I have to recommend you fix the problem instead of just putting a band-aid over it and pretending it isn't there.