There are really 2 varieties of injuries that happen over the weekend.
- Sudden onset
- Delayed onset (improper cool-down injury).
Delayed onset injury happens when the body is not allowed to cool down properly after an activity. This is not the same as delayed onset muscle soreness that happens after intense physical exercise. According to Penn State University, many injuries happen between bursts of work or play.
For example- you need to move dirt or beauty bark. Most people will go out and simply start bending, shoveling, lifting and pushing the wheelbarrow without warming up. Then after some time (usually without adequate water) the job is done and you get to go inside and "kick back" in the recliner. After all, you worked hard and deserve some rest. Then an hour later you get up and feel stiff and ache all over.
This is because when we exercise our ligaments become soft and pliable. Then when they cool down and become stiff they assume whatever shape they are put in. So, if we exercise (yard work, sports, playing, etc.) then plop into the recliner when we come inside and rest we can expect to have more soreness when we get up 15 minutes to 2 hours later because the ligaments have cooled down without the spine being in the correct position.
Prevent this type of injury by simply laying down on proper spinal supports for 10-15 minutes when you come inside and then you can kick back into the recliner and enjoy your hard earned rest.