Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Health or Wellness?

Mosby’s Medical Dictionary says, “Health is a condition of physical, mental, and social well-being. It is not a static condition; constant changes and adaptation to stress result in homeostasis (balance).” 

Wellness is achieving and working to stay in that balanced state. Most people think of wellness as eating organic food, participating in activities like yoga or Pilates, and having time for both rest and play. It is that and more.

What if there was one aspect so vitally tied to our health but was missed by approximately 85% of the population? Sadly, there is: the health of your nervous system. Your nervous system controls and coordinates every other system of the body (Gray’s Anatomy- the book not the TV show).

Most people have never had their nerve system’s function evaluated. How do you check the nervous system? The easiest way is to look at posture. When your posture is bad- your nervous system is stressed. The Sealy Institute states that posture effects and moderates (via the nervous system) every physiologic function from breathing to hormonal production.

The most common postural problem leading to nerve stress is forward head posture (FHP).  FHP causes loss of normal spinal curves when viewed from the side. This causes the whole spine to be thrown out of balance.  Common findings include shoes wearing out unevenly, one pant leg longer than the other, one hand seems more in front of the body than the other, shoulders rounded or slouching. If you notice any of these signs in yourself, a friend, co-worker, or loved one, recommend they get checked.

Benefits of a Pettibon Rehabilitation program, like the one offered at Backbone, include enhanced physical performance, decreased risk of injury, more energy, and improved health. Only when the nervous system is functioning at 100% can you truly achieve wellness.